THE WHITE SHADOW (1923, Graham Cutts): More stills, information

Still from The White Shadow
From Truffaut/Hitchcock:

From  Betty Compton playing both roles in the film
[Truffaut:] Graham Cutts directed [Woman to Woman in 1923]. You did the adaptation and dialogue, and were assistant director as well?

[Hitchcock:] More than that! My friend, the art director, was unable to work on the picture. I volunteered to serve as art director. So I did all of this and also helped on the production. 

Another still from The White Shadow

"My future wife, Alma Reville, was the editor of the picture as well as the script girl….Then I performed these various functions for other films. The second was The White Shadow."


  1. Insightful interview with Truffaut.

  2. Dan is a Cinema Sherlock Holmes. his interviews
    are Insightful,truthful and Memorable.
    I enjoy & Appreciate All His Work.

    Dr Joseph P. Sinda

  3. Thank you, Dr Sinda--what a wonderful compliment. Mr Holmes and Dr Doyle have been on the brain as I've been reading that terrific novel The Sherlockians.


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